What could we learn from talking to fifty people who are changing the world?

When we consider who changes the world, it's easy to picture a Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela. But what about those everyday people who are making a difference in their own community or workplace?

What started as simple curiosity about those who choose to make a positive difference, evolved into an informal research project. After interviewing nearly 50 changemakers, the themes are clear. Those who successfully lead change don't necessarily share the same personality traits, nor do they take all the same actions, but they do share similarities in their mindsets - how they perceive themselves, how they relate to others, and how they orient themselves to action.

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Whether you identify as a changemaker or as someone who supports them, learning about the changemaker themes is valuable.

  • The book explores the mindsets that everyday changemakers have in common. By sharing the lessons gained from successful changemakers, the book gives readers a look inside the mindsets of everyday people who do extraordinary things, and it invites readers to reflect on their own beliefs and behaviours related to how they make a positive difference in the world.

  • Conference attendees and workshop participants become activated through an interactive changemaker session or webinar.

  • Individuals benefit from customized 1:1 coaching that is tailored to you: your strengths, your challenges, your beliefs, and your goals.

  • Groups and teams benefit from exploring the elements together to create increased awareness and appreciation of others, and to develop the best plans for moving forward.

  • Sign up for our newsletter below to be the first to learn about future webinars and events where we will explore together how changemaker mindsets can be activated in each of us.

Contact me to learn more about how we can work together to lead positive change.